Sentralen is a versatile event house.
Sentralen is a versatile event house in Kvadraturen in the centre of Oslo. The house consists of two buildings that were originally the head office of Christiania Sparebank. Over six floors of historic premises we rent out event rooms, production room and meeting room for all purposes.
Sentralen is also the office space for nearly 400 creative and innovative individuals who work in coworking spaces spread across four floors. On two of the floors we offer additional favorable leases for festivals, orchestras, dance companies and other cultural producers. In two other floors hold SoCentral to — Oslo's most exciting office community and membership organisation for community innovation and social entrepreneurship.
Sentralen is owned by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB. Sentralen aims to support the foundation's vision of unlocking positive forces through events and favorable rental rates for tenants that align with the purposes of cultural production and social innovation.
Sentralen provides space for ideas, interaction and good experiences.
Central initiative for children and young people
Sentralen UNG is the house's self-rental scheme that provides favorable rental conditions to organizers with children and young people between 0 — 19 years of age as their primary target audience.
With this scheme, we hope to be able to be a current venue in the city for this target group, which is one of the Central's main focus areas.
The scheme is funded by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB and offers UNG-organizers free rental of premises, as well as technical equipment and technicians from the house as needed. The events of Sentralen UNG currently fill approximately 40% of the total programme content of the Centre. These include a wide portfolio of activities such as children's and youth theatre, concerts, dance rehearsals and performances, creative workshops, summer camps, courses, debates and much more.
Do you have a good idea Sentralen UNG can accommodate?
Get in touch with and tell us more!
We are always looking for good projects that give all children and young people the opportunity to participate, experience, influence and take their place.
The central programme will train young people to arrange, host and create content at Biermannsgården
In autumn 2022, 8 young people from all over Oslo have participated in the Sentralenprogram at Biermannsgården. The program aims to give young people the opportunity to learn how to plan and conduct their own events.
Producers, marketers and others from the administration at Sentralen have shared their knowledge so that the young people are left with their own “A-Z in cultural event”. The project will end with the young people's own event at Biermannsgården at the start of December 2022.
Biermannsgården is a 300-year-old listed farm in the borough of Sagene, which since the 19th century has had an offer for children and young people. Together with the neighbourhood, SoCentral is working to find out how Biermannsgården today can continue to be an inclusive, urban heritage house. The Central Programme is one of the projects that will contribute to this, and is a collaboration between Sentralen UNG and SoCentral.
The Centre's commitment to events that promote diversity, inclusion and belonging
Investing in events that promote diversity, inclusion and belonging is one of several strategic focus areas for the Centre.
Through a separate manager, Sentralen works purposefully and systematically to turn the house into an event house where the threshold is low for both attending, and arranging, events. We believe that diversity of background and experience among tenants, organisers, the public, residents and staff is invaluable for cultural life and community innovation.
The initiative will help show that diversity is a positive element in society and give organizers the opportunity to influence and challenge on their own terms.
The centre has a separate budget funded by Sparebankstiftelsen Dnb which covers rental of premises, costs for rigs, technical equipment, technicians, and in some cases hosting tenants who host public events that promote diversity, inclusion and belonging. The events may be closed activities.
Since the establishment of Sentralen MINT, the public has been able to experience diverse and inclusive audience events such as theatre, festivals, free dance, panel debates, shows, art exhibitions, professional conferences and seminars. Sentralen is always looking for organizers who will help make Sentralen an open house where everyone feels welcome, with crowd events that mirror the population. Do you want to host something that promotes diversity, inclusion and belonging? Do you have an idea for an event that puts a spotlight on gender equality, attitudes and participation? Wondering if you have an idea that falls within this venture?
Please contact
Sentralen Mat AS operates the restaurant, the bar on the roof terrace Mynt and the café at Sentralen. In addition, they serve catering for all events and meetings at Sentralen.
On the ground floor of Sentralen, in the Winter Garden and in the café, you can share a pizza with friends with something good in the glass before a concert, or spend the day with your laptop and colleagues or fellow students.
The house's dining venue has become a popular meeting place for many, where the activity between the walls of the house creates an inspiring atmosphere for good conversations and creativity.
With us on the team, we have some of Norway's most exciting chefs to serve food and drinks in the restaurant and café on the ground floor.
In spring 2022, the beer garden Mynt also opened on the brand new roof terrace at Sentralen.
Read more about LAVA OSLO here or book a table directly here.
Opening hours kaféen
Opening hours Restauranten
Opening hours Mynt
Creating new solutions that can change our society
SoCentral collaborates with municipalities, businesses, and citizens who aim to develop a more sustainable society. They host a large and diverse community of social and innovation-focused organizations with offices on the 5th and 6th floors.
Like the cultural producers in the floors below, these residents also unleash positive forces in line with Sparebankstiftelsen DNB's mission. They create meeting places for belonging and community, promote mastery and learning among young individuals, develop role models, and encourage volunteerism and participation, to name a few.
Read more about the members and the work of SoCentral its own website.
A home for Oslo's cultural producers
Facing Tollbugata, on the third and fourth floor of the house, we have office spaces for cultural producers, ensembles, orchestras, festivals and other actors who produce an artistic expression that is presented to an audience. Here, established institutions sit side by side with players in the start-up phase, with access to a larger community in their daily work.
These organizations also contribute greatly to the content of the house, with workshops, meetings and events for both young and adult cultural enthusiasts.
So Central
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From savings bank to event house
”Denne bank vil stå til evige tider, hvis den ikke blir sprengt ved trykk innenfra.”
- Arkitekt Henrik Nissen ved åpningen av Christiania Sparebank, 14.april 1901.
Christiania Sparebank ble etablert i 1822. Banken var først og fremst et sosialt tiltak - et tilbud til byens arbeiderklasse, og var Norges første bank for privatpersoner. Store deler av bankens overskudd ble brukt på sosiale prosjekter, utbygginger og renoveringer i hovedstaden.
Sparebanken hadde hovedkontor på flere leide lokasjoner i byen før det ble bestemt at man skulle bygge et nytt bygg, som skulle bli nytt hovedkontor. Dette bygget stod ferdig i 1849, og ble senere utbygget og renovert. Det stod ferdig slik vi kjenner det i dag i 1901. Senere kjøpte banken nabobygget, Tollbugata 30, og innlemmet bygget i hovedkontoret. Begge disse bygningene utgjør i dag Sentralen.
Henrik Nissen vant arkitektkonkurransen og fikk jobben om å tegne det nye bygget til Christiania Sparebank. Bygget stod ferdig i 1849, og viser tydelig stilskiftet som fant sted i norsk arkitektur på den tiden. Elementer fra nyrenessansen ble blandet med klare nasjonalromantiske utrykk.
I fasaden ble det brukt norsk Iddefjordsgranitt. Rundt vinduene er det brukt kleberstein, og skåret ut tydelig nasjonalromantiske mønstre.
I 1901 var en større ombygging av hovedkontoret ferdig. Da ble blant annet bakgården bygget inn, og et flott glasstak ble bygget over denne. Dette flotte lokalet ble ekspedisjonshallen til banken, og var dekorert med norsk marmor fra Fauske. Dette er i dag Sentralens største utleielokale - Marmorsalen.
Banken hadde fire etasjer med bankbokshvelv i kjernen av bygningen. I veggene til bankbokshvelvet ble det muret inn jernbaneskinner på kryss og tvers, som skulle sørge for at innbruddstyver ikke kunne grave seg gjennom veggene, gulvet eller taket. I dag ligger lokalene Hvelvet, Studio A og Studio B, og møterommet Bankboksen i de gamle bankbokshvelvene.
I tredje etasje i bygget lå salen der forstanderskapet i banken møttes for å diskutere dens styre og formål. Denne salen er i dag en av Sentralens mest populære lokaler - Forstanderskapssalen.
Man skulle kanskje tro at trening i arbeidstiden og frynsegoder som medlemskap på treningssenter, er moderne tilskudd til velferd på arbeidsplassen. Bankfunksjonærene i Christiania Sparebank fikk imidlertid eget treningsrom i banken, i salen som i dag kalles Gymsalen.
Here you can see historical photos of the building.
Bygningen som på bakkeplan inneholder Sentralen Kafe og Sentralen Restaurant, har adresse Tollbugata 30. Dette bygget stod ferdig i 1901, og er en typisk forretningsgård fra den tiden. Arkitekten var Ivar Cock - han tegnet senere Hotel Continental.
Før dagens bygg ble bygget, lå det opprinnelig en bygård oppført på slutten av 1600-tallet på tomten. Tidlig på 1800-tallet ble denne bygården kjent som Thronsens hotell, og ble en hjørnestein for byens kultur- og uteliv. Her vanket blant andre eventyrsamleren Peter Chr. Asbjørnsen og dikteren Johan Sebastian Welhaven. Det ble drevet kunstforlag, atelier, kafé, hotell og melkebutikk i bygget. Det er med andre ord ikke første gang ordskifte, kulturopplevelser og idéskaping har funnet sted i dette kvartalet.
Prosjektet Sentralen startet i 2007 da Sparebankstiftelsen DNB kjøpte de to bygningene Øvre Slottsgate 3 og Tollbugata 30 av DNB. Etter hvert kom ideen om å bruke huset som en del av stiftelsens allmennyttige virksomhet. Sentralens funksjon og hvem som skulle bruke huset ble kartlagt i samråd med bruker- og fokusgrupper og gjennom mer enn 200 intervjuer i perioden 2009 - 2013.
Resultatet av disse kartleggingene viste at Oslo hadde et behov for en åpen møte- og arbeidsplass for kulturprodusenter. Videre i prosessen ble det også bestemt at Sentralen skulle bli et hus for samfunnsinnovatører som arbeider med å finne nye løsninger på utfordringer i samfunnet.
For å kartlegge potensielle behov og utfordringer ved drift av et slikt hus, etablerte Sparebankstiftelsen DNB i 2013 et pilotprosjekt der kulturprodusenter og samfunnsinnovatører fikk sitte i åpent kontorlandskap i Marmorsalen i Øvre Slottsgate 3. Totalrenoveringen av bankbygningen startet i juni 2014, og da flyttet kontorlandskapet til Tjersland-gården i Skippergata 22.
Ved inngangen til 2016 satt det 120 kulturprodusenter og samfunnsinnovatører i Skippergata 22, som sammen utgjorde de fremtidige beboerne som i februar 2016 flyttet inn på Sentralen.
Sentralen åpnet dørene 1. mars 2016, og har siden den gang leid ut lokaler og møterom til over 5000 leietakere. Rett før pandemistarten i 2020 ble det imidlertid tydelig, at det var behov for mer plass.
I 1920-årene hadde Øvre Slottsgate 3 fått bygget en ekstra etasje. Nesten hundre år etter ble nok en etasje tilføyet bygningen, og Kronesalen ble bygget i øverste etasje på bygningen. Sentralen benyttet da sjansen til å bygge takterrasse med direkte atkomst fra Kronesalen, men også utgang fra femte og sjette etasje. Takterrassen går over to etasjer, og er knyttet sammen via et amfi. De to etasjene går under navnet Kron & Mynt.
Get to know us
Alf Magnus is the house manager.
Alf Magnus Reistad
General manager
alf.magnus@sentralen.noAlf Magnus is the house manager.
Mina is the deputy manager, and leads the team working on events and productions. She is also the event manager for Marmorsalen.
Mina Eriksen Smedberg
Deputy leader, event- and production manager.
produksjon@sentralen.noMina is the deputy manager, and leads the team working on events and productions. She is also the event manager for Marmorsalen.
Anette is event manager in Forstanderskapssalen, Studio A and Studio B.
Anette Johansen
produksjon@sentralen.noAnette is event manager in Forstanderskapssalen, Studio A and Studio B.
Anette is the event manager for Gymsalen and Hvelvet. She is also the Environment and Sustainability Officer.
Anette Gjon
produksjon@sentralen.noAnette is the event manager for Gymsalen and Hvelvet. She is also the Environment and Sustainability Officer.
Kjersti is event manager for Production Rooms 1 and 3, Vinterhagen and Kronesalen. Kjersti is also the project manager for Verdens Kuleste Dag.
Kjersti Livesdottir Thorkildsen
Producer and Project Manager for World's Coolest Day
produksjon@sentralen.noKjersti is event manager for Production Rooms 1 and 3, Vinterhagen and Kronesalen. Kjersti is also the project manager for Verdens Kuleste Dag.
Anders is the main responsible for technical operations related to events.
Anders Aaseboe
Teknisk chef
anders@sentralen.noAnders is the main responsible for technical operations related to events.
Richard is responsible for planning the technology for events.
Richard De Freitas
Producteur técnica
richard@sentralen.noRichard is responsible for planning the technology for events.
Jørgen works as an in-house sound engineer at Sentralen.
Jørgen Moe Eikås
Audio Technician
jorgen@sentralen.noJørgen works as an in-house sound engineer at Sentralen.
Are Kim works as an in-house lighting technician at Sentralen.
Are Kim Ronsen
Lightning Technician
are@sentralen.noAre Kim works as an in-house lighting technician at Sentralen.
Robert is the main responsible for sales and booking.
Robert Hornfeldt
Sales and booking leader
robert@sentralen.noRobert is the main responsible for sales and booking.
Vilde works with booking and rental of the halls at Sentralen.
Vilde Frafjord Strømsvag
Booking Coordinator
booking@sentralen.noVilde works with booking and rental of the halls at Sentralen.
Katrine works with the rental of Sentralen's meeting rooms.
Katrine Hovelsteen
Booking Coordinator
booking@sentralen.noKatrine works with the rental of Sentralen's meeting rooms.
Katrine books and coordinates Sentralen's events for children and young people, under the program Sentralen UNG.
Katrine Neerland Dodd
Program and booking manager, kids and youth
ung@sentralen.noKatrine books and coordinates Sentralen's events for children and young people, under the program Sentralen UNG.
Rikke is the main responsible for marketing and communications.
Rikke Haakensteen
Leader Market and Communication
rikke@sentralen.noRikke is the main responsible for marketing and communications.
Lisa works in marketing and communications, mainly digital marketing and social media.
Lisa Skylstad Knutsen
Communications officer, responsible for digital marketing
lisa@sentralen.noLisa works in marketing and communications, mainly digital marketing and social media.
Ingrid works with marketing and communications at Sentralen, and is primarily responsible for the ticket system Tixly:
Ingrid Kirchoff
Communications officer, responsible for tickets
ingrid@sentralen.noIngrid works with marketing and communications at Sentralen, and is primarily responsible for the ticket system Tixly:
Eirik is a project assistant. He works on the collaborative concerts of Sentralen and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra.
Eirik Langva Lie
eirik@sentralen.noEirik is a project assistant. He works on the collaborative concerts of Sentralen and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra.
Nanna is an intern at Sentralen. She studies Entrepreneurship and Design at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
Nanna Sofie Flobak
Internal Market & Communication
nanna@sentralen.noNanna is an intern at Sentralen. She studies Entrepreneurship and Design at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
Nicolai is primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of the buildings that make up Sentralen.
Nicolai Asand
Operations manager
nicolai@sentralen.noNicolai is primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of the buildings that make up Sentralen.
Stian is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the buildings that make up Sentralen.
Stian Standal
Operations manager
stian@sentralen.noStian is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the buildings that make up Sentralen.
Jaou Gou is responsible for Barnas Verksted as well as working on event management, customer service and operations.
Yaou Gou Abdellah
jaougou@sentralen.noJaou Gou is responsible for Barnas Verksted as well as working on event management, customer service and operations.